game news
Pixel Heroes' Closed Beta Test Concludes with Anticipation for an Exciting Open Beta Launch
As part of the HaoPlay team, we are proud to announce the successful conclusion of our pixel-art style game, Pixel Heroes, Closed Beta Test (CBT) on March 5th, with our sights set on the upcoming Open Beta Test (OBT) launching on March 14th. Since the launch of the CBT, Pixel Heroes has captivated a vast number of loyal players with its unique blend of nostalgic and modern gameplay elements.
In gratitude for the community's support and feedback, we hosted a series of activities during the CBT,
including the "Pixel Hero Creation Challenge" and the "Epic Adventure Capture Contest." These events were
aimed at deepening player engagement and showcasing the creativity of the Pixel Heroes community.
The "Pixel Hero Creation Challenge" concluded with participants demonstrating their creativity in designing
unique game characters, proving the community's passion and talent for pixel art. Winners, determined through
community voting, were rewarded for their outstanding designs.
Similarly, the "Epic Adventure Capture Contest" also achieved great success. Players shared spectacular scenes
and thrilling adventure stories from within the game world, with the winning entries being celebrated and
rewarded for their artistic portrayal of the game's beauty.
As we transition from the CBT to the OBT, the HaoPlay team is diligently working to incorporate player
feedback and optimize the gaming experience, preparing for a broader audience. We promise that the upcoming
OBT will introduce new content, improved gameplay mechanics, and more opportunities for exploration,
competition, and collaboration.
We look forward to meeting more players in the OBT and continuing to expand Pixel Heroes' presence in the
gaming community. The HaoPlay team is committed to providing an immersive and enjoyable gaming experience for
all players and eagerly invites everyone to join us as we embark on this new chapter of the game's journey.