game news
《Metal Slug: Awakening》Second Round of Closed Beta Testing Underway!
We're excited to announce that the second round of Closed Beta Testing (CBT) for "Metal Slug: Awakening" officially started on May 28th. This phase of testing will continue until June 10th. Since the conclusion of the first round of testing, we've received valuable feedback and suggestions from many players, prompting us to further optimize and improve the gaming experience.
During this round of testing, we've prepared a wealth of content and features aimed at helping players better understand the game's intricacies and enjoy the gameplay. We eagerly await the active participation and feedback from our players. Your input will help us refine the game even further and create a more exceptional gaming experience.
We extend our gratitude to all players for their support and involvement. Let's anticipate the official release of "Metal Slug: Awakening" together and delve into this adventurous and enjoyable gaming world! Stay tuned to our official channels for the latest news and updates about the game.